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Webinar - Cyber-Physical Power System Co-simulation

2024. March 19.

March 20, 11:00: Dr. János Csatár to give an online lecture, organized by OPAL-RT, on his related research at SPL

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SPL at ENLIT Europe

2023. December 3.

SPL and the project ASPECDS was represented by David Raisz at Enlit Europe in Paris

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Student paper contest awards - 2023

2023. November 17.

One first, two second, two third prizes and one reward

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70th rank on BME's publication toplist

2023. November 14.

David Raisz within the top100 of BME's most published Authors

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Presentations at the 69th Annual Conference and Exhibition

2023. November 3.

Our colleagues of the Smart Power Laboratory took part in the 69th Annual Conference and Exhibition
of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association between 20-22 September 2023, in Siófok.

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3rd place award for Balázs Tóth at the Hungarian Sudent Paper Contest (OTDK)

2023. April 20.

Tóth Balázs received 3rd place award at the OTDK (Hungarian Student Paper Contest) held in April 2023

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Direct optical link between SPL and MAVIR (TSO)

2023. February 25.

In February 2023, an optical link was established between SPL and MAVIR, which will allow joint experiments to be carried out in real time, despite the geographical distance of 20 km.

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GreenTalk - smart buildings, smart energy supply

2023. February 22.

On 22 February 2023, Norbert Harmathy and Dávid Raisz were guests of HuGBC

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Student Scientific Conference (TDK) results - 2022

2022. November 17.

At this year's Student Scientific Conference (TDK) held on November 17, 2022, the students of our lab achieved the following results:

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Dr. János Csatár won the Csáki Award

2022. May 30.

Our colleague was recognized by the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association.

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Presentations and booth at the Potection and Automation Forum

2022. May 27.

SPL was represented by 3 talks and a booth at the annual Potection and Automation Forum of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association

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Our lab welcomes war-refugee scientists

2022. March 4.

The global community has created a continuously updated list ( of laboratories that can host war-refugee scientists at all career levels.

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Student Scientific Conference (TDK) results

2021. November 26.

Two 3rd places and one 2nd place at Student Scientific Conference (TDK)

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MAVIR scholarship for Bence Szirbik

2021. September 30.

His research topic is "Examination and PHIL simulation of converter-based linear system dynamics"

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Presentation of Dr. János Csatár at ITBN

2021. September 29.

Dr. János Csatár gave a talk at ITBN Conference&Expo 2021 with the title "Wired – intersection of power systems and communication"

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Best exhibitor booth at the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association's (MEE) Annual Conference

2021. September 27.

The "Best Exhibitor" award for this year's conference and exhibition was given to the booth of Smart Power Lab, based on visitor votes.

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MEE Award of Merit for our colleagues

2021. July 10.

Dr Csaba Farkas and Dr Dávid Raisz were awarded with the Award of Merit on the MEE Delegates’ meeting.

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IT Fest - roundtable discussion on the convergence of the energy and IT sectors

2021. June 24.

At this year's ITFest, Dr. Dávid Raisz discussed the exciting frontiers and connection points of the energy and IT sectors with his peers in a roundtable discussion.

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Electrotechnical Scientific Committee (ETB) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

2021. June 17.

Dr Dávid Raisz was given membership by the MTA MTO ETB.

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Report on MVM Smart Power Lab on M2 Petőfi TV

2021. May 8.

M2 Petőfi TV broadcasting team has visited us recently.

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2021. April 1.

It is with our greatest sorrow to announce that our colleague and friend, Laszlo Prikler, unexpectedly passed away on the 30th March 2021, at the age of 59.

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